Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the LA fires. During this challenging time, we stand in solidarity with our community. To address current needs, we adjusted the topic of our first open meeting to focus on wellness and community support.
Our guest speaker, Rachelle Hakim at Comfortably Curated, shared valuable tips on emergency preparedness and will return soon to discuss how to create a more organized and fulfilling life. In the meantime, Rachelle has generously offered her support to anyone in need. You can reach her at comfortablycurated@gmail.com.

We've also prepared a list of fire recovery resources below.
 Local Volunteer & Donation Opportunities:Â
SMC CARES Volunteers needed Thursday – next Friday sign up for a shift (volunteer hours vary by day but range from 8a-5/7p)Â
SMC Cares – helping those impacted by the firesÂ
Venice Family Clinic: no clothing, but accepting: paper towels, batteries, TP, facial tissues, non-perishable (non-expired) food, toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner), diapers (child/adult), wipes, formula, pet foodÂ
Drop off Redondo Beach 1/13-15 2114 Artesia, Santa Monica 1/13-1/16 10a-4p Simms/Mann 2509 PicoÂ
Free items for those affected by the fire:Â
Free Shop by Free People – 1720 Euclid St. Saturday Jan 18 – Monday Jan 20 @ 8-5pmÂ
Brands Providing Products to Families Impacted by LA FiresÂ
Legal Advice on making an Insurance Claim from the Beverly Hills Bar Association.Â
A Guide to Property Damage Claims Following Natural Disasters. A recording of the video, a link to the handout, and links to other resources are now available at https://bhba.org/recovery.Â
Parent resources:Â
National Child Traumatic Stress NetworkÂ
All Wildfire resources:Â
Parent Guidelines for Helping Children Impacted by WildfiresÂ
Provides tips for handling fear and anxiety produced by the wildfires. Remember to listen, share encouraging news and be hopeful.Â
Tips for parents on managing media coverageÂ
Discusses how media coverage effects will be different depending on the persons involvement with the fire. Gives tips for talking to kids about what they’re seeing and also provides tips if your family is requested to be on the news.Â
American Psychology Association – Recovering Emotionally After a Residentail FireÂ
Discusses stages of grief and gives ideas for coping and recoveryÂ
Good InsideÂ
Includes ideas and scripts for talking about fires with older kidsÂ
UCLA Health How To Stay SafeÂ
Wear K95/N95 masks outdoors for 7-10 days after the fire. Minimize outdoor activity. When indoors keep doors and windows closed, use air conditioners and portable HEPA air filters.Â
You can also down the tips & list here to share: